Battlearms development  nz.15 

B.A.D - NZ.15  Gen 2 - straight pull 5.56 

In partnership with premium U.S brand Battlearms Development we have been quietly working away on the NZ-15 straight-pull/bolt action 5.56 and .300BLK rifle. On the left is the actual sample rifle, serial number: KIWI 001. 

All rifles are colored Battlearms Grey, with a black BCM buttstock and B.A.D 3 position adjustable pistol grip. Each rifle will have 1 x 10rd steel magazine, ambi mag release, ambi safety and a premium quality B.A.D 16" barrel threaded 1/2x28 with A2 compensator and 1-7 twist. The handguard is a Workhorse design that is 15" and free floating with M-Lok. 

The trigger is a polished nickel teflon, single stage trigger with 5 lbs pull. 

*Classification by Firearms Safety Authority - Refused (after appeal - 20 Jan 2024). 

21 Jan 24 - We returned to the U.S and after a successful meeting with B.A.D management will re-design and manufacture a Gen 2 version and then re-apply for approval. 

23 Feb 24 - A new approved import permit has been gained for a Gen 2 version. Original version (Gen 1) had to be handed in and destroyed.   

21 December 24 - Final work has begun on a new B.A.D Gen 2 receiver set design which we will import and then submit for evaluation and hopefully approval. 

16 Jan 25 - Work on Gen 2 receiver set has been completed. We will be posting pictures before the end of this month.  

*In time we will also offer a 6mm ARC straight pull NZ-15 ;-)